"Dino and Heidi are angels. After 16 years in the Sacramento Valley, we decided to move closer to the coast. We landed on Petaluma for our future home, and decided to visit several times over as many months to learn the area. In that discovery phase we were guests at Dino and Heidi's Airbnb. They were INCREDIBLE hosts, and whi..."
"Dino and Heidi are angels. After 16 years in the Sacramento Valley, we decided to move closer to the coast. We landed on Petaluma for our future home, and decided to visit several times over as many months to learn the area. In that discovery phase we were guests at Dino and Heidi's Airbnb. They were INCREDIBLE hosts, and while chatting one morning before we headed off for a walk, we learned they were realtors and they offered incredible insights on where to look and attributes to consider throughout the area. My husband, Dan, and I drafted our wish list that night and shared it with Dino and Heidi - and in some ways, the rest is history. From that initial checklist of needs, wants and examples, Dino and Heidi were immediately in the headspace of mentor and ally. They invested significant time up front getting to know more about Dan and I, our values, our priorities, our long-term personal and business goals - as well the logistics of selling our Sacramento property, ideal timelines and financial status. Dino and Heidi bring this amazing mix of high emotional intelligence, industry expertise and very honest communication and candor. Dan and I would joke that Dino and Heidi probably knew what we wanted (and we're very detailed) better than we did. Dino and Heidi move swiftly with the incredible resources within their professional network. They're trusted and appreciated by their colleagues. When Dan and I would visit open houses and mention we were working with Dino and Heidi, nearly every seller's agent would gush about how much they enjoy working with them, and what good people they are. Dino and Heidi bring a great deal of industry savvy and expertise while compassionately educating and including us in every step. They not only found the most perfect property for us, but through their network they provided referrals to another great realtor team who managed selling our Sacramento property. Heidi has such compassion and attention to detail. She offered a calm perspective and recommendations while also suggesting specific updates to our Sacramento home so it would present well for sale. As a team they're incredible. Dino often evaluates a situation from a high-level with all possible outcomes, and offers insights with options that empower his clients. Heidi is brilliantly detailed, the fine print never skipped. Heidi also has an incredible sense of design and style, and is quick to call out the difference between something that IS high quality vs LOOKS high quality. While looking at properties, it was easy to feel romanced by the area - they helped us feel optimistic, but not get taken for a ride. We've recommended Dino and Heidi to friends and family, and have continued to work with them since moving to Petaluma. They've offered incredible council in our recent search for commercial property for my husband's fine art studio and gallery, and served not only as a sounding board, but Dino's sheer presence in the conversation underscored our credibility as tenants. I hope to stay in Dino and Heidi's orbit always. I appreciate doing business with them, and I feel fortunate to also have them as friends. They are generous, earnest and I'm so, so thankful we stayed that weekend in their Airbnb. It was the start of the next, and what feels like the best, chapter of our lives. "